Lista de videos públicos de Craig Wright en orden cronológico.

Lista de videos públicos de Craig Wright en orden cronológico.
13 jun. 2014  Interview: Bernard von NotHaus
Interview is published with Bernard von Nothaus where he says a mutual friend tells him Satoshi Nakamoto was a fan (2005)
Watch the entire documentary here: Rare Interview with Visionary Bernhard von Nothaus. The Monetary Architect of the Liberty Dollar was charged and found guilty of federal crimes for “making, possessing, and selling his own currency”. 5 tons of gold and silver were seized by the FBI. Bernhard speaks passionately about central banking, money monopolies, and inflation.

Craig Wright, the researcher at Charles Sturt University also joined CCTV’s discussion on this topic.

Interview with Craig Wright on code war

10/07/2014 AUDIO Radio Interview back when  CSW worked for Hotwire PE.

Audio Player

01/09/2014 Craig Wright interview -12:51  Dale Dickins
“During the making of this documentary Dale interviewed Craig Wright, his content *was* going to be narrative for the final episode. The world Craig describes gives a taste of why this technology exists, its peer to peer nature enables people to opt for the differences in their unique lifestyles. When Wired and Gizmodo announced him as Satoshi Nakamoto, plans changed and we decided on releasing his full interview to let people decide for themselves”.
01/09/2014  Craig Wright interview (part 2) 11:19  Dale Dickins
01/09/2014  Craig Wright interview. (part 3) 10:41  Dale Dickins
A table of Australian Federal and National police attended this conference, which caused a few people to shift awkwardly in their seats as Craig Wright talked about transporting items of significant value through airports.

Dr Craig Wright Sydney Conference 2014 –The Bitcoin Doco – Vimeo

Tristan Winters, Craig Wright aka Satoshi Nakamoto, Johnathon Levin of a representative for CoinPip speak about the Chinese bitcoin market, tracing bitcoins and how (some) Chinese companies think for bypassing strong regulation.
This conference was particularly interesting, people employed by Australia’s police force attended to find out more how cryptocurrencies work. Their presence made for an interesting space given the topic of conversation, unfortunately all the police people approached declined my invitation to be interviewed.
This section is from day 1 of the 2 day conference held in Sydney July 2014, the CoinPip representative (apologies didn’t grab your name) came a little late to the panel to join Tristan, Craig and Johnathan.

2015 (45 Years old)

All-Star Panel: Ed Moy, Joseph VaughnPerling, Trace Mayer, Nick Szabo, Dr. Craig Wright

9/12/2015 NEWS Ian Grigg. Craig’s Australian Residence is raided by the ATO.


02/06/2016 NEWS El australiano Craig Wright se identifica como el padre del bitcoin – economy – euronews (en español) 1 minuto
02/06/2016 NEWS Gavin Andresen about Craig Wright as Satoshi Nakamoto – SciNews -2 minutes


08/02/2017 _ Computing and Mathematics › Doctoral Thesis- Charles Sturt University

13/06/2017 _Craig Wright | iGaming Super Show July 13, 2017 Amsterdam. Andy Rowe III – 26 minuts

22/06/2017CSW Presentation at Tokyo (1/2) Tetsuyuki Oishi – 27 minuts
28 06 2016 Andrew O’Hagan: why Craig Wright’s Satoshi Nakamoto proof failed
2017 11 20 Dr. Craig Wright – A Wheelbarrow of Academic Degrees & Certificates – nChain – Publicado el 30 nov. 2017 – 4 minutos

Craig S. Wright academic (1988-2012) (Open list) (0 submissions)

OTHERS INTERESTING LINKS:  Compilation of +440 Craig Wright´s Post, Papers & Books Craig S. Wright academic (1988-2012) Craig Wright Videos Grand Dad, Captain R. A. Lynam. By LISA N EDWARDS DEPOSITION OF DONALD JOSEPH LYNAM TELEGRAMS CHANNELS: (Names in alphabetical order) Theory of Bitcoin – A serie from – Dr. Craig S. Wright & Ryan Charles   … Continue reading Craig S. Wright Academic (1988-2012) Academic Degrees & Professional CertificationsMore


13 09 2017 What is true Bitcoin and its future potential ? Dr. Craig Wright – ESILV – 41 minutes

26 09 2017  – Threshold (Signature) of Greatness – Dr. Craig Wright – Hong Kong 2017 – nChain – 29 Minutes

26 09 2017  – The Future of Bitcoin Cash roundtable – Hong Kong 2017 – Bitkan’s Blockchain Global Summit
nChain- 23 minutes
14 11 2017  –  Craig Wright on the basics. How does Bitcoin work? Global Triathlon Network – 6 minuts
14 11 2017  – How is Block chain technology secure from hacking with Bok Khoo and Craig Wright
Global Triathlon Network – 4 minutes
30/11/2017 SUPERVIDEO Dr. Craig Wright: Hording, equity, and the end of debit and creditBitcoin Meetup Switzerland 2017 1h12 Minutes nChain

01/ 12/2017 Dr. Craig Wright – Why Patenting Creates Value – 3 min. nChain
nChain Chief Scientist Dr. Craig Wright discusses the value of patents – including for blockchain technology. As he explains, protecting the value of our thoughts and ideas is the heart of capitalism and helps make a stronger society.
Watch later


04/12/2017  The Vin Armani Show – Dr. Craig S. Wright (12/4/2017) – Vin Armani – 1h56 minutos
30/12/2017 Satoshi Nakamoto Interview: The future of Bitcoin Cash. CellPhonecurrentyear – 2h23 minutos


07 01 2018 BWC – Interview with Dr. Craig S. Wright on Bitcoin Cash, 2018 Predictions & Bitcoin’s True Purpose
Bitcoin Will Come – 1h14
In our first formal interview for Bitcoin Will Come, we sit down with Craig S. Wright, Chief Scientist for nChain, lifetime learner and academic, and a well-known supporter of Bitcoin Cash.

09 01 2018  Proof of Stake and BCH use cases – Bitcoin Cash University – 8 minutos
16 01 2018  The Crypto Show – Craig Wright – 2h

25 03 2018  Bitcoin Network Topology: Small World vs Mesh


04 04 2018  Interview with Craig Wright | – Satoshi’s Vision Conference, Tokyo 2018– 13 min- –
04 04 2018 Dr. Craig Wright: With Bitcoin, the power is within – 50 min. CoinGeek


20 04 2018 Is Craig Wright Satoshi? No! – Peter McCormack
07 08 2018 Another Conversation with Dr. Craig S Wright – 08/07/2018 – 1h12  Bitcoin and Beyond
29 08 2018   Interview with Dr Craig Wright – August 2018 – Reina Nakamoto

18/10/2018  Dr. Craig Wright and Michael Hudson Discuss the Hidden Maths of Bitcoin – Bitstocks Podcast Ep. 2 – Bitstocks Media 1h40
“Just days away from the BCH fork we talk with Dr. Craig S Wright about his thoughts on the fork and what he plans to do to maintain control. Craig also shares his thoughts on Bitcoin core, Lightning Networks and the origins of Bitcoin. Daniel Krawisz co-founder of Nakamoto Institute also sit’s in for commentary and his take on the POSM algorithm coined by Dr. Wright”.


20/02/2019 _ PODCAST  Is Craig Wright the Real Satoshi?  the bad crypto podcast
04/04/2019 _ VIDEO INTERVIEW Craig Wright: Bitcoin is not a cryptocurrency
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(Min. 40) “Bitcoin with a stable protocol takes away power. If no one can change the protocol – not me, not God – there’s no power in money. Money is all about power… and Bitcoin will remove that power globally.”
24/04/2019  Dr. Craig Wright: Personal Device Security Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Secret Sharing.
CoinGeek -12 min – Brunel University in London

0:40 Background

2:41 Ending the manipulation of the financial system

4:35 Bucketshops (aka Exchanges)

6:40 Illegal Market Manipulation

10:30 Why did Craig create bitcoin?

14:05 Wikileaks

14:49 Patent discussion

17:35 3m Tx/second

19:45 Block orphans

23:20 How to join as a miner?

26:33 A misnomer about bitcoins double hash and mining specialization

29:50 Thoughts behind designing bitcoin

40:49 David Rees (mathematician)

44:30 How Hal Finney & Ray Dillinger helped

51:35 Was Satoshi Nakamoto a group?

52:48 Craig “driven into the limelight”

58:32 Andrew O’Hagan (“The Satoshi Affair”)

1:01:30 Julian Assange

1:02:17 Silk Road

1:04:20 The Singularity

1:05:30 Dread Pirate Roberts (Key Ownership)

1:08:55 Lawsuits (binance etc and money laundering)

1:13:33 Craigs involvement in Churches and being a Pastor

1:16:20 Bitcoin Whitepaper creation

1:17:56 Phil Wilson 1:20:28 “How do you stay so grounded?” and Craigs advice on money

1:25:10 Private law agreements and what blockchain is

1:29:15 “What does bitcoin need to do to become a medium of exchange?”

1:33:49 “What’s the one thing you wish people understood differently about you?”

1:35:40 Craig on the value of bitcoin

11/05/2019 _Reina Nakamoto Interviews Craig Wright, – STREMANITY – “We talk about:
– Bitcoin’s design,
– The Genesis block,
– Game theory and the Stackelberg game,
– Double hash for content delivery and distributing functions,
– Bitcoin as a derivative,

30/05/2019 _ “Dr Craig S Wright interview by Marianne Jett  – Coingeek Conference Toronto.
Are you Satoshi Nakamoto?
His copyrights & MIT open license In-Script Looping
03/06/2019 _ From the Bygone Days of Yore — Part 1 first day of Deconomy in Seoul, Korea.
03/06/2019 _Is CZ Going To Jail? Interview with Craig Wright at the Coingeek Conference – Toronto, Canada – 13 Min. Black Swan Finances

26/07/2019 Craig Wright: If you want a better future with Bitcoin, build it (MetaNetTV Livestream July 2019)
“Great chat with Dr. Craig S. Wright, chief scientist at nChain and… inventor of Bitcoin. Hear about his plans for all that BTC & BCH, how Bitcoin will work with government and business, and how the future will only be good if we build it that way”. Bitcoin SV Train / MetanetTV Livestream
10/08/2019  Podcast Interview – Dr Craig Wright / Satoshi Nakamoto on Bitcoin, Economics


BOOK -25/08/2019 Satoshi’s Vision: The Art of Bitcoin  _ 155 Pages


01/10/2019  Day 1: CoinGeek Seoul Conference 2019 live stream. CoinGeek
“Join the biggest names in the BitcoinSV community as Craig Wright (aka Satoshi Nakamoto), Jimmy NguyenSteve Shadders and more deliver fascinating insight into the goings-on in the world of BSV.”

07/10/2019    “Payments & Privacy: New Inventions for Bitcoin SV” 20 Min. CoinGeek


17/10/2019  The Bitcoin Vision by Dr. Craig Wright”
In his presentation, nChain Chief Scientist Dr. Craig Wright shared with the members of the Metanet Society of University of Cambridge his motivations and debunked some myths related to Bitcoin. The presentation was made at the University of Cambridge in UK last October 17, 2019.
Watch later


18/10/2019 Craig Wright CC Forum duel ends in shouting and pumpkinsCC Forum London (2019) 27 Min.
07/11/2019   “Day 2 | AIBC Summit Nov 2019″ Min 8h55
Scalability and financial stability go hand in hand with Satoshi’s vision. Craig Wright – Chief Scientist at nChain, Director – Tokenized, shares his thoughts on how bitcoin’s original design, creates honest commerce.”
17/11/2019  Craig Wright tells Richard Heart he is Satoshi, wrote the Bitcoin whitepaper
29/11/2019  “I Chased Craig Wright 2 Canada 4 an Interview:  Bitcoin, Satoshi & Crypto Community” 25 Min.

                        Min. 34.  Sección 3 del WP,  Time stamp server.
                                         Sección 8 del WP,  Proof of work
                          Min. 39 Sección 5 del WP Networks (and Nodes)
                         Min. 42 Sección 8 del WP,  SPV + Halving
                         Min. 46 Sección 10 del WP,  Privacy


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08/01/2020 VIDEO published “The Bitcoin Vision by Dr. Craig Wright”  (2019 Oct 17)
08/01/2020 PODCAST published The Real Man Behind The “Fake Satoshi”
23/01/2020 VIDEO Interview  Craig Wright Conversation & Comments. Streamanity
24/01/2020 VIDEO Interview ConnollyThe exciting possibilities for BSV after Genesis CoinGeek Conversations – 24 Min
25/01/2020 VIDEO Interview CSW Conversation & Comments. Streamanity – 34 Min
25/01/2020 Open Source. Craig Wright
28/01/2020 VIDEO Interview  CSW On Missing Keys, BSV, Pump Conspiracies and End of BTC. BLOCKTV
05/02/2020 VIDEO Interview “AUSSIE MAN BAD” Interview with Dr. Craig S. Wright. CJ TV – Streamanity
18/02/2020 Live from the st Giles Hotel London – Coingeek
23/02/2020 VIDEO   Satoshi Nakamoto The New Dawn
09/03/2020 VIDEO    CoinGeek London 2020: Watch the fireside chat with Craig Wright and George Gilder
                          30 min. in Ljubljana, Slovenia last 3 March 2020.
13/05/2020  VIDEO Craig Wright to Bitcoin entrepreneurs: Find problems that actually need solving. min 25 Do you have an ideology?
13/05/2020  VIDEO  Craig Wright to Bitcoin entrepreneurs: Find problems that actually need solving – CoinGeek – Cambrian SV in Lisbon in February 2020 – 33 min.
20/05/2020  VIDEO  1º- REIMAGINE 2020 – Craig S. Wright, with Patrick McLain “so all of that’s going to come out, that I won’t say any of it yet, not too many weeks more!!!”
21/05/2020  VIDEO Life’s Tough but Crypto shouldn’t be – with Craig Wright (part 2)
03/06/2020  VIDEO  2º- REIMAGINE 2020 – Craig S. Wright – World Riots, Hard Work, with Patrick McLain

10/06/2020  VIDEO   Craig Wright: Bitcoin como sistema de seguridad Min: 46:16  “I’m the issuer, with all legal requirements that means”

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30/07/2020   Q&A with Craig S. Wright – 40 min.”Hello Metanet!”-Workshop (Berlin, 10.-11.7.2020) B2029 Videothek
2. Networks — Theory of Bitcoin – Dr. Craig S. Wright & Ryan X. Charles
Bitcoin is a biologically inspired network. Similar to a Mandala network, the center are miners
30 jun. 2020
3. Introduction to Law – Theory of Bitcoin — Dr. Craig S. Wright & Ryan X. Charles
7 jul. 2020
4. Legal Aspects of Bitcoin – Theory of Bitcoin — Dr. Craig S. Wright & Ryan X. Charles
14 jul. 2020
5. Script, Computation, & Turing Completeness – Theory of Bitcoin — Craig Wright & Ryan X. Charles
21 jul. 2020
6. Economics, Information, Religion, Work, and Goggins – Theory of Bitcoin — CSW & RXC
28 jul. 2020
7. Computer Security, Game Theory, and Personal Responsibility – Theory of Bitcoin — CSW & RXC
4 ago. 2020
8. The History of Bitcoin – Theory of Bitcoin — Dr. Craig S. Wright & Ryan X. Charles
11 ago. 2020
18 ago. 2020
10. The End and a New Beginning – Theory of Bitcoin – Dr. Craig S. Wright & Ryan X. Charles
25 ago. 2020

31 08 2020 “REIMAGINE 2020 –N*3 – Craig Wright – nChain” –  1h26 min. Patrick McLain

01/09/2020 – 1. Introduction to the Information Theory of Bitcoin – Bit – Dr. Craig Wright & Ryan X. C”
07/09/2020 – 2. The Global Spreadsheet, Information Theory, and Law – Bit – Dr. Craig W & Ryan
15/09/2020 – 3. The Principles of Bitcoin – Bit – Dr. Craig S. Wright & Ryan X. Charles
22/09/2020 – 4. What is Bitcoin? – Bit – Dr. Craig S. Wright & Ryan X. Charles
29/09/2020 – 5. Information, Money Button Acquisition, Education, Tokens – Bit – CSW & RXC

19/10/2020  Dr. Craig Wright: How One World Blockchain Powers a New Future for Computing
25/10/2020  Craig Wright, Bitcoin Data Protection Laws & more
26/10/2020 – 2. The First Paragraph – The Bitcoin White Paper – Dr. Craig  Wright & Ryan X. Charles
30/10/2020  From the Internet to Bitcoin: The Digital Ledger to Advance the World’s Tec Infrastructur
30/10/2020  The Importance of Bitcoin as a Timestamp Serve
01/11/2020   Craig Wright Interview – Bitcoin & Moral Reasons
02/11/2020 – 3. The Second Paragraph – The Bitcoin White Paper – Dr. Craig Wright & Ryan Charles
02/11/2020   From the Internet to Bitcoin: The Digital Ledger to Advance the World’s Technology Inf
02/11/2020  REIMAGINE 2020 -N*4 – Craig Wright – Government Actions & Political Power of Enterp
07/11/2020  BLOCKCHAIN BC3 Presentation Bitcoin SV The Blockchain to Empower Global Trade 
09/11/2020 – 4. The Second Section: Transactions – The Bitcoin White Paper – CSW & RXC
16/11/2020 – 5. The Third Section: Timestamp Server – The Bitcoin White Paper – CSW & RXC
23/11/2020 – 6. Proof of Work and the Network – The Bitcoin White Paper – CSW & RXC
30/11/2020 – 7. Section Six: Incentive – The Bitcoin White Paper – CSW & RXC
03/12/2020   Dr Craig Wright Interview – BSV Beaver Builders Festival Night
07/12/2020 – 8. Reclaiming Disk Space and Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) – CSW & RXC
14/12/2020 – 9. Combining and Splitting Value and Privacy – CSW & RXC

Craig Seteven Wright academic (1992-2012)

Craig Wright´s Telegram Channels:

1 Craig Wright – oʇoɯɐʞɐN ᴉɥsoʇɐS? – 179 Members
2 Craig Wright & The Satoshi affaire. Chat
3 Craig Wright Academic  – 79 Members
4 Craig Wright Articles – 104 Members
5 Craig Wright Books  31 Members
6 Craig Wright Business
7 Craig Wright Channel
8 Craig Wright Cryptology
9 Craig Wright Cybersecurity
10 Craig Wright Economics
11 Craig Wright Fight Criminals
12 Craig Wright Forensic Auditor
13 Craig Wright Government friendly
14 Craig Wright Highest Dreams
15 Craig Wright Ideology
16 Craig Wright Interviews
17 Craig Wright Interviews Videos
18 Craig Wright Legal
19 Craig Wright Patents
20 Craig Wright Personal
21 Craig Wright Religion
22 Craig Wright Slack – 30 Members
23 Craig Wright Tech
24 Craig Wright Video Talks
25 Craig Wright Videos
Craig Wright – Asperger / Autism
The art of BitcoinCraig S. Wright   – 60 Members
The Satoshi affaire. 30 June 2016






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